Baseball stadium in Campeche to be remodeled… by presidential order


The Pirates of Campeche professional baseball team will soon begin the renovations of their “Nelson Barrera Romellón” stadium, as part of the improvement project ordered by the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The project also includes other LMB headquarters properties such as “27 de Febrero” and “Beto Ávila” in Villahermosa and Cancún, respectively.

The governor of Campeche, Layda Sansores reviewed the rehabilitation works of the Nelson Barrera stadium. Courtesy Photographs

How much will the renovation of “Nelson Barrera” cost?

The “Nelson Barrera” stadium is the one that receives the least investment of the three mentioned. This is due to the fact that they will only work in the surroundings, but the stands or the field of play will not be modified.

According to the project, the work to be carried out consists of eliminating the bullpen areas, which will be relocated outside the field of play.

The visiting bullpen will be where a batting cage and the gym are located. On the side of the local team, the bullpen will be where the headquarters of the maintenance crews are located today.

Another change that will require an additional financial extension to the little more than $ 80 million pesos of the original project for the rehabilitation, expansion, and improvement of the lighting, as it is a requirement of the LMB. The total would amount to 84 million pesos.


Campeche Post