This Saturday, a fourth march took place in Campeche to demand the resignation of the Secretary of Security, Marcela Muñoz, as well as to call for the revocation of the mandate of Layda Sansores.
According to Tribuna Campeche, hundreds of people attended the peaceful demonstration to support the police officers of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection, who demand the suspension of Muñoz Martínez and the revocation of the governor’s mandate.
The local media broadcasted the start of the march live. In the video, a woman who took the microphone explained that “this is a genuine movement” and that they are relatives of the police officers who were violated in the riot of San Francisco Kobén.
Furthermore, the citizen thanked the help provided by all the people of Campeche and by civil society that has been present and asked not to allow the division of the movement.
Attendees send a message to Layda Sansores
Another attendee reiterated that the march was convened by the police officers of Campeche to demand justice and the fulfillment of the list of demands, but mainly to remove Muñoz Martínez and her subordinates.
She also asked the attendees to conduct themselves with order and respect and not to fall into provocations in order not to hinder all the work that the police agents have developed “for the good end of their struggle.”
She also clarified that they do not represent any political party and attended the march out of their own conviction, “tired of being manipulated by bad governments.”
“Layla, do not be confused, we are not going to grow old like you marching for 24 years and we are not going to do 120 more marches because you are already leaving,” expressed a woman at the microphone, referring to a comment made by the governor on the program Martes del jaguar to downplay the protests.
Once the march started, phrases like “Listen to us Layda, listen well, either you fire Marcela or you go too,” “Campeche woke up, Morena died today.”
Sinapol calls for national march in support of Campeche
The general secretary of the National Police Union (Sinapol), Rodolfo Basurto, called for a national march this April 13 for the dignification of police workers in support of the elements of Campeche.
Today, Sinapol emphasized that the objective of this Saturday’s march is to raise the voice for the colleagues who have been unjustly dismissed, as well as for those who have been abandoned by the institutions after being incapacitated by acts of service.
“For the colleagues who have been murdered due to insufficient or poor condition equipment, due to poor training or bad decisions of their commanders… For the widows of fallen comrades who have to beg for the institutions to support them with what rightfully belongs to them…,” mentioned Sinapol in a Facebook post.
Sinapol also pointed out that “today will be a good day to demand better working conditions, to demand dignified and respectful treatment from any authority.”
Layda Sansores downplays police march in Campeche
The governor of Campeche, Layda Sansores, downplayed the march scheduled for this Saturday, April 13, and said “they are going to have a third march, I did 123, they are missing 120 and it took me 24 years for them to take effect.”
Sansores added that citizens could continue with all the marches they wanted because they do not scare her.
Although Layda Sansores said that the April 13 march is the third one they have held, it is actually the fourth that has taken place to demand the resignation of the head of the
Source: Animal Politico