People of Calakmul claim AMLO gave them false promises


People affected by the water crisis report that the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered them support and they have only been deceived and ignored.

The facts once again prevailed over the sayings, the truth over the lies, and the residents of Calakmul carried out a 12-hour blockade of the Escarcega-Chetumal highway, denouncing the lack of water in several locations, among others in Xpujil.

Furthermore, they declared that they were deceived by the promise of an aqueduct that President López Obrador supposedly inaugurated and that remains unfinished and abandoned, and as if this was not enough, the municipal president left them standing.

“This started as a peaceful march, but it got out of control because the municipal president was making us fools. We were waiting for him at the center here in town at 5.30 pm as agreed, and he did not show up,” mentioned one of the affected citizens.

Finally, after 29 hours of road blockade and uttering all kinds of insults to Mayor Luis Alvarado Moo, for not showing his face to meet their demands to regulate the supply of drinking water, the protesters reached agreements, and the blockade was removed.

Representatives of the State Government accompanied the mayor, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), and the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), who are those involved in the operation of the López Mateos-Xpujil aqueduct and the construction of this neglected new structure.

The agreements were the following:

  • -The distribution of water through the local network and pipes, when there are problems in the aqueduct.
  • -Each colony will have an assigned pipe during the dry season (two months), to optimize the supply of water.
  • -The distribution of water in the local network will be carried out at least two days per week.
  • -The sump will be filled using pipes when no water reaches it, as a citizen proposal for water to be distributed in the network.
  • -Do not sell water to individuals if the supply to the sump is irregular, but only to the purifying water plants to guarantee supply for human consumption.
  • -The State Secretariat of Government will supply six electric power generators, one for each well, to pump the water out.
  • -That the CFE regularize its service in the upstream area, in order to avoid constant failures.
  • -Do not take repressive measures from any of the three levels of Government, against those who have participated in the demonstration and road closure.
  • -Supply through the Heriberto Jara recoil aqueduct-km 120 and in networks of each locality, periodically.
  • -The electric power generating plants will be delivered starting Monday, April 22nd, for their respective installation.

Source: Tribuna Campeche

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