In Campeche, the ‘Reciclotón’ begins in eight of the 13 municipalities of the state


The ‘Recycling’ seeks to reduce the amount of special handling waste that is not managed by municipal dumps.

With the aim of contributing to giving the Planet a break, this Thursday the ‘Recycling’ began in Campeche, which in the 2023 edition is carried out in eight of the 13 municipalities of the entity.

​According to information from the Ministry of the Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Energy (SEMABICE), in the period 2016 to 2022, 31,827 items have been collected, weighing 100.5 tons. On this occasion, vegetable oil and alkaline batteries are also being collected for the first time.

The ‘Recycling’ seeks to reduce the amount of special handling waste that is not managed by municipal garbage dumps and therefore is stored in warehouses in homes, offices and businesses.

The initial banner was made with the reception of 2 thousand 494 electronic equipment by the Campeche Secretary of Education, which were discharged so that they do not contaminate school spaces.

The ‘Recycling’ will take place from March 30 to April 2, in which three eco-points are installed in the city of Campeche.

The municipalities that joined the ‘Reciclatón’ are Seybaplaya, Hecelchakán, Calakmul, Escárcega, Candelaria, Calkiní, Champotón and Dzitbalché.

The electronics that you have at home, office or business are made of components that contain highly polluting metals such as cadmium, mercury, lead, arsenic, among others, which can cause serious damage to health if they are not disposed of correctly or recycled.

The company RELMEX will be in charge of the final destination of the electronics; SURECO of the alkaline batteries and EVERGREEN of the collected vegetable oil; In addition, the BEPENSA company installs a container to collect PET in each of the ecopoints.

Source: Milenio