Covid leads to 22 hotels closing in Campeche


In December hotel occupancies plummet to almost their entirety

So far in 2021, 22 hotels in Ciudad del Carmen have had to close their doors due to the crisis that this sector is experiencing as part of the effects of Covid-19, so “a miracle” is expected for 2022, occupancy rates may increase, said the president of the Mexican Association of Hotels and Motels, Carmen delegation, Victoria Álvarez Casanova.

He explained that in the month of December, hotel occupancies collapse to almost their entirety in some cases, derived from the fact that most visitors do so of a family nature, which is why they occupy their homes to stay on the island.

They expect a miracle

“As hoteliers, we expect a true miracle in 2022, since there is talk of the arrival of important programs in the oil sector, of more than 2,500 workers from the central offices of Pemex, but they are announcements that must be crystallized, to generate spillovers economic, “he said.

The leader of the Carmen hoteliers pointed out that 2021 has been a year of ups and downs, which has allowed many of the island’s establishments to have closed for a while and reopened, many of them becoming family businesses. run by their own owners, to avoid closing permanently.

“Despite many conditions, in 2020 a membership of 120 hotels was maintained on the island, however, derived from the effects of the pandemic, at least 22 of them had to close their stalls permanently, so in the currently there are only 98 ”, explained Álvarez Casanova.

He indicated that in all of them, the safety and hygiene measures recommended to the Ministry of Health are maintained, to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infections, which, fortunately, have decreased on the island and in the entity, which has helped to build trust among visitors.

“Despite the fact that we are in the green color of the epidemiological traffic light, the presence of the variant of the Covid-19 omicron in different parts of the world and the fear of tourists of a possible fourth wave of infections, has plummeted the occupation even more hotel company that has registered on the island ”.

It meant that despite the panorama that occurred in 2021, hoteliers hope that the reactivation of traditional activities such as Carnival, the Fiesta del Mar, and the Annual Fair in honor of the Virgen del Carmen will allow an increase in hotel occupancy and in revenue from this sector, which was the most impacted by Covid-19.


Campeche Post