On the first day of face-to-face classes in Campeche, many parents are still reluctant to send their kids to school

HOPELCHEN, CAMPECHE, 19ABRIL2021.- A más de un año de haber sido suspendidas las clases presenciales en México debido a la a contingencia sanitaria del Covid-19, hoy 137 Planteles Escolares contempladas en el Plan para la Reactivación Escalonada Mixta de los Servicios Educativos de Nivel Básico en Campeche regresaron a clases presenciales. En la comunidad de Cancabchen del municipio de Hopelchen, la escuela primaria Vicente Guerrero reabrió sus puertas a su primer grupo a las 8 de la mañana donde asistieron los primeros alumnos por grupo, al ingresar se siguió con el protocolo de salud con la toma de temperatura, uso del gel antibacterial y el uso del cubrebocas. El plantel cuenta con una plantilla total de 78 alumnos de primero a sexto grado quienes tomarán clases de manera escalonada, serán sólo 4 alumnos quienes se encuentren dentro de las aulas para mantener la distancia, serán dos horas de clases sin hora de receso, al término del uso del salón, serán sanitizados tanto el salón como el mobiliario para el acceso del siguiente grupo. FOTO: MICHAEL BALAM/CUARTOSCURO.COM

Campeche, (November 06, 2021).- From the early hours the presence of parents and students who made long lines to enter the schools was notorious, the process was slow due to teachers who were at the entrances supervising the sanitary filters.

However, it was observed that the number of students was lower than expected since some parents preferred that their children continue with their distance education, before this, several parents assured that, although they still fear for the return to classes they recognize that this strategy was already fair because it is necessary
for their children.

It should be noted that not all educational establishments opened their doors, more than 15 percent of the institutions in the state capital remained closed because they still do not have basic services such as water and electricity.

In contrast to this situation, Adolfo López Mateos elementary school had a significant influx of students. Absenteeism was observed in other schools in the city, such as ‘Domitila Ceballos‘; while other institutions such as the ‘Hijos de Trabajadores’, remain closed and under maintenance work.

Likewise, education authorities indicated that, although they affirmed that the return of students to educational centers is a free and voluntary decision of the parents, they called for the return to face-to-face classes of all educational levels of the state, from Wednesday, November 3rd, ensuring that the conditions exist for the safe return of the 345 thousand students statewide.

Source: Tribuna Campeche

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