Over 24,000 tourists will arrive in Campeche for the Christmas season


An economic spill of 35 million pesos from national and foreign tourists is expected.

In the remainder of the year, there are conditions for receiving some 24 thousand tourists that would generate an economic benefit of 35 million pesos, explained the head of the Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR), Jorge Manos Esparragoza, considering as viable to extend the sales hours for restaurants.

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The official said that the main tourist attractions, such as museums, trams, the Historic Center, ecotourism, and archaeological sites already operate in the state.

For this reason, Manos Esparragoza said that in this holiday period an economic spill of more than 35 million pesos is expected throughout the state, due to an estimated influx of 24 thousand people.

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The period from December 19 to January 6 will be completely different from other years due to the pandemic; In this regard, in the capital city, a hotel occupancy of 42% and the presence of 10,000 tourists are expected, which would leave 15 million pesos to local finances.

Most come from Mexico City, Yucatán, Quintana Roo, State of Mexico, Tabasco, Jalisco, Veracruz, Puebla, and Chiapas, although the arrival of travelers from France, Germany, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and Poland is also reported.

The tourist sites that are operated by the SECTUR work from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., such as the Guard Corps, Cultural Center “Casa 6”, Puerta de Tierra, Botanical Garden, and the light and sound show will be offered “El Lugar del Sol” every day from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, with limited capacity for 30 people.

Source: lajornadamaya.mx

Campeche Post