Festivities in honor of Santa Cecilia take place in Campeche during November


With the participation of the traditional unions and all the health security measures that mark the new normality, the festivities in honor of Santa Cecilia began one week ago.

The celebrations in honor of the saint, known as the Patron Saint of Musicians, are taking place from November 13 to 24 with the celebration of the novena, which will be carried out with a limited capacity of faithful, and at the same time, it will broadcast through social media.

Santa Cecilia Campeche

Starting this Friday, November 13, each day a rosary and mass will be celebrated daily with a special intention for the workers, for families for evangelization, for the deceased, for the young, for the elderly, for the sick, for children and marriages.

On the day of Santa Cecilia, on Sunday, November 22 at 5:00 a.m. the traditional Serenade of the Musician will be held, at 6:00 p.m. the procession from the Acoustic Shell and upon arrival at the parish the solemn mass of the festivities employers.

Finally, on November 23, the tornafiesta will take place with the procession of the image of Santa Cecilia at 4:00 pm; and to close the festivities the Bishop of Campeche, Monsignor José Francisco González González, will celebrate Confirmations.

Santa Cecilia Campeche

Saint Cecilia, one of the martyrs most revered by Christians and represented playing a musical instrument or singing, was named by Pope Gregory XIII as the Patron Saint of Musicians and her feast is commemorated around the world every November 22nd.

Source: Novedades de Campeche

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