Beekeepers Demand Halt to Fipronil Use in Campeche and Hopelchén


Beekeepers from the communities of Crucero Oxá and SucTuc in Campeche and Hopelchén are calling for order and control in response to the death of bees. They urge the government of Campeche to stop the use of the pesticide fipronil, which caused the death of over 4,000 hives and an estimated economic loss of 14.5 million pesos in 2023 and 2024.

Farmers warn that with the upcoming agricultural cycle, fipronil and other pesticides will be used indiscriminately by agricultural ranches, leading to further damage and contamination. “Who will set the measures? What can you throw away? What liquids are acceptable? We need answers from the authorities,” demanded José Alfredo Sánchez, a beekeeper from Crucero Oxá.

Two years after the bee deaths, beekeepers have not been compensated, and no measures have been taken to protect the health of families who breathe and consume these chemicals daily. “The death of bees is a red flag indicating serious, unseen damage. This is a grave social problem affecting health and food,” said José Manuel Poot Chan from SucTuc.

Beekeepers warn that gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases, and even cancer have increased due to pesticide misuse. “The bees have died because they are the weakest. Now, the problem is human health, with water, soil, and air contamination,” said Benjamín Yeh Acosta from SucTuc.

Institutions such as the Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Senasica, the Mexican Institute of Water Technology, and the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change have confirmed that bees died from fipronil poisoning, causing serious environmental damage and affecting human health. Beekeepers urge Governor Layda Elena Sansores San Román to investigate and involve federal and municipal authorities.

Ranches have expanded to the point of bordering homes and lands, causing illnesses among residents, including serious respiratory injuries and cancer. Ricardo Medina Farfán, a councilor of the Campeche city council, has been advising the communities and following up on complaints filed with the Prosecutor’s Office against those responsible.

Source: Milenio