Pirate Taxis Cause Significant Drop in Taxi Demand in Campeche


During the Christmas holidays, the demand for taxi services in Campeche saw a notable decline. Román Acuña Estrada, a member of the National Transport Movement (MNT), attributed this drop to pirate passenger transport services. He reported that the average number of taxi services per eight-hour shift fell from 30 to 20, a decrease of 44.4 percent.

Acuña Estrada worked on December 25, January 1, and the night of January 5, during the Paseos de Reyes commercial activities in the capital. He observed that the demand, which initially began with 80 percent from national tourists, significantly decreased during the holidays due to the intense competition from pirate services. “We were driving around and no longer saw people crowding the streets,” he noted.

He was surprised to find that the demand for taxi services was not as high as in previous years, when the number of citizens on the streets increased due to the celebrations and traditions. He attributed this change to the presence of pirate services.

Acuña Estrada mentioned that they have requested a meeting with authorities from the State Institute of Transport (IET) to address the issue. This hearing is expected to take place in the following week. “Piracy is the most important issue affecting us today. During Christmas and New Year, there were no people on the streets, and piracy was at its peak,” he explained.

In a separate matter, Acuña Estrada announced that they would be traveling to participate in the national assembly of the MNT, where changes in the leadership of the transport group are expected. These changes are anticipated to benefit Campeche, as a woman from Campeche is set to occupy an important position.

Source: Por Esto