Biden wants to create a power grid with Mexico


The new US president intends to extend the network to Colombia, according to his sustainability plan

Joe Biden, president of the United States, wants to create an electrical network powered mainly by renewable energy from his country to Colombia, through Mexico and Central America.

This project is part of the Strategy against climate change that the new president will promote in his country and, gradually, throughout the world through international forums and agreements, such as the Conference of the Parties in Paris (COP 21).

“Investments in clean energy and resilient and sustainable infrastructure will drive a boom in innovation that helps us achieve the vision of a secure, middle-class, and democratic hemisphere,” reads a list of actions that Biden will take during his term.

The purpose of the Biden administration is to lay the foundations for these changes in 2025, that is, at the end of his term, so that by 2050 the United States achieves a 100 percent clean, zero-emission energy economy.

In Mexico, there may be an ideological clash with the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, given the conditions for renewable energies, but the opportunity also opens up to develop them in the country and attract new investments, ”commented Paul Alejandro Sánchez, energy analyst.

“Biden’s vision is completely opposite to that of López Obrador. Who wants to use Pemex and CFE as energy flags for Mexico, but they are forgetting renewable energies and technologies that are being used all over the world, ”explained Abril Moreno, director of the consulting firm Perceptia21.

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In July last year, the Ministry of Energy, through the National Center for Energy Control (Cenace), promoted an agreement to stop the arrival of renewable energy companies and strengthen the Federal Electricity Commission, but weeks later it was suspended by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

Biden’s vision is completely opposite to that of López Obrador Abril Moreno / Director of the consulting firm Perceptia21

Last week, the US government raised concerns over the July 22 memo, followed by a September 22 meeting with regulators “who were allegedly instructed to block permits for private sector energy projects and exercise their regulatory authority to favor state energy companies. If true, this would be very concerning with respect to Mexico’s commitments under the USMCA, ”he said in a letter.

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The outgoing US government said that in addition to hurting several White House-backed private sector projects in the energy sector, “these measures could negatively affect hundreds of millions of dollars of public energy investments by the US government in Mexico. through US International Development Finance Corporation, the Export-Import Bank of the United States and public investments of the United States and Mexico through the North American Development Bank ”.

According to Gabriel Quadri, an environmentalist and former presidential candidate, in the event that Biden decides to defend his renewable energy companies in Mexico, the White House can go before dispute panels under the USMCA.

The function of these panels is to help solve the problems generated between the corresponding countries and apply sanctions, as the case may be, to mitigate the damage caused.

Quadri highlighted that the reinstatement of the United States to the Paris agreement will generate greater pressure on the López Obrador administration to make way for sustainable energy and put aside the energy policy that seeks to benefit Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the CFE.

In addition, the president of Mexico announced that he was going to present a reform to eliminate the 200 autonomous organizations, among which are the Energy Regulatory Commission and Cenace.


Under the Trump administration, the United States abandoned the COP 21 agreements to make way for an increase in industrial activity, considered highly polluting, and was shown as a climate change denier.

In September 2020, the former president told the scientific community that the record fires in California’s forests last year were the result of poor forest management and not climate change.

Since the change of post, which began last Wednesday in Washington, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, was received again at COP 21, as his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, said in a text sent to the White House that only with joint collaboration can we “meet the challenges of our time. And together we can face the climate challenge, acting for the good of our planet ”.


Mexico Daily Post