Mexico will donate Mexican made ventilators to 8 countries


Mexico is not only making its own ventilators now to treat COVID-19 patients, it announced Wednesday that it will donate the machines to other countries.

The foreign relations department said the Mexican ventilators would go to nations around the Caribbean.

En el desarrollo del ventilador participaron instancias públicas, privadas y académicas (Foto: SRE)

They include Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Guyana, Haiti, Santa Lucía, Suriname, the Dominican Republic and Trinidad and Tobago. Another 51 machines are also now being donated to 14 states in Mexico.

The ventilators finished tests and were announced ready for use earlier this month. Mexico began developing the model in April, when it was buying ventilators abroad, mainly from China and the United States.

Mexico continues to have a high case load, but says hospitals currently have a safe margin of ventilator availability for domestic patients.

The Health Department reported 5,267 new confirmed coronavirus cases Wednesday, bringing the total to 573,888, and 626 new confirmed deaths, for a total of 62,076.

Laura Elena Carrillo Cubillas destacó que será brindada asistencia técnica a los países para el uso de estos equipos (Foto: SRE)

In the next few days, 51 similar teams will be distributed in 14 entities of the country: Aguascalientes, Baja California, the state of Mexico, Hidalgo, Guerrero, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Sonora, Tabasco, Tlaxcala, Veracruz and Yucatán.It is, Ebrard explained at the SRE headquarters, an  act of consistency  in Mexico’s foreign policy. It is the first time during the pandemic that Mexico will donate to the Caribbean countries .

Teams are sent to these countries because we care very much how lucky they are. “It is what we have demanded from the powerful, from those with more industries, more resources. We have told them: ‘it has to be universal (access to vaccines and medicines against Covid-19), it has to be equitable, we have to be in solidarity, we are one people, one community.’

Representatives of the ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Caribbean countries joined the virtual event and highlighted Mexico’s leadership in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as its solidarity and support.

The executive director of Amexcid, Laura Elena Carrillo, announced that technical training will be provided to the countries for the use and installation of the fans.


The Mexico City Post