“AntiAMLO” Front Seeks to Strengthen the Mexican Opposition in the US


The National AntiAMLO Front (FRENA) is an association that brings together, among others, former members of the so-called National Citizen Congress, an organization founded in Mexico in 2009

WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, – They are called FRENA, a movement born a few months ago in Mexico and that became visible in the United States during the recent visit to Washington by the president of that country, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whose management they criticized.

Decenas de integrantes de FRENAAA viajaron a Washington para ...

“This movement has been in Mexico for more than 10 years, but now with the policies that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is taking, it changes its name to FRENA to stop all its acts of corruption and how it is leading Mexico to a decline economic, ”said the general coordinator of this group in the US, Gilberto Zamudio.

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With more than 23 years in the United States, Zamudio, who claims to have arrived in the country like any immigrant and developed all kinds of jobs, defends that FRENA seeks that citizens, in addition to electing the president, monitor “what he is doing” with the money public.

“They are federal employees, they are public servants and we as citizens have every right to see how they are doing their work,” he defended.

He also complained about what he considered López Obrador’s intention to direct the neighboring country towards Socialism of the 20th Century, the doctrine promoted by the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and which, he assured, is part of the agenda of the Sao Paulo Forum.

“He is following the agenda of the Sao Paulo Forum, where communist leaders meet,” said Zamudio, for whom Socialism of the 21st Century “brings poverty, backwardness, and death.”

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Regarding the organization of the movement in the United States, he indicated that, although it has grown “very slowly”, it already has more than 600 members who participate in vehicle caravans every 15 days in some 20 cities in the country.

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And when referring to López Obrador’s visit to Washington, on July 8, Zamudio complained that after receiving the Mexican leader in the White House, US President Donald Trump said that the wall he builds on the border Between both countries, it prevented more coronavirus from entering the United States.

“They have not said exactly what López Obrador came to, they do not mention it,” he complained.

FRENAAA alista su 4a. caravana para el fin de semana

Source: cambio22.mx

The Mazatlan Post