VisitMexico, tourism promotion page, frozen due to lack of payment


The site of the platform for the digital promotion of Mexican tourism was reported as suspended this Friday for non-payment.


The page , one of the main tools for promoting the country as a tourist destination, was disabled this Friday due to non-payment.

Starting this Friday, when trying to enter the site, the upload of an image of a magical town begins, which is immediately replaced by a warning of “suspension for non-payment” .

The site was suspended this week.

With the disappearance of the Tourism Promotion Council of Mexico at the beginning of the present administration, the VisitMexico operation was left in concession to a group of businessmen led by Marcos Achar .

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At the beginning of July, Carlos González, director of VisitMexico, presented the joint strategy with the Ministry of Tourism for the digitization of tourism , which would seek to attract foreign tourists through online platforms, including the site itself.

González highlighted that the use of digital tools would be promoted among SMEs to promote their services. In addition, he stressed that there will be a relaunch for August of the new platform, as well as the start of the digitization of small and medium-sized companies, as well as for travel agencies.

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“ How strange that the official page is suspended for lack of payment. But that of leaving tourism without information… tourism is daily, every day people consult about places to visit, ”said Armando Bojórquez, tourism coordinator for Concanaco Sevytur.

So far it is unknown if it is a new attack by hackers, who have recently attacked the government’s pages or if it is a true message from the platform.


The Mazatlan Post