Mexico generates “Oasis of Health and Peace” between Gaza and Israel, with CADENA and the Jewish Community of Mexico, You can participate!


CADENA has been summoned by the Israeli organization NATAN as an ally to undertake humanitarian aid at the Gaza Medical Center.

The Gaza Medical Center will be opened soon, located at the Erez border control point, an intermediate zone with restricted access between Israel and Gaza.

This project arises as a result of a truce negotiated by the Egyptian government between Israel and Gaza, seeking to increase the quality of life of the inhabitants of Gaza who are in a currently deteriorated humanitarian situation, thus reducing the propensity for violence and terrorism, and in this way improve Israel’s security.

The Health Center is composed of a transportable medical real estate of air-conditioned tents where medical, dental, and psychological services are offered, as well as preschool education centers, a cafeteria, and a clothing and food store.

The Medical Center will be operated mainly by volunteers, it will operate five days a week (from Sunday to Thursday) with working hours of approximately eight hours. The volunteers and workers of the center will sleep in the camp and on the weekends they will be able to leave the clinic with the option of staying in an apartment near the clinic.

CADENA is recruiting volunteers internationally, performing the roles of a general practitioner, dentist, dental assistant, nurse, certified paramedic, medical student (with four years completed), social worker, psychologist, educator, and general volunteers with a lot of initiative and want to work directly with people. It is important that volunteers have advanced English, a willingness to stay for a minimum of three weeks in Gaza, and not have Israeli citizenship or passports.

Interview with Dra. Ariela Avigdor, medical manager of the clinic.

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The Mazatlan Post