BCS: Zero tolerance for those who leave their houses without justification; there will be fines and arrest of up to 36 hours


BCS, Governor Carlos Mendoza Davis issued a new message through his social networks in which he reports the new determinations with the arrival of phase 3 of the coronavirus pandemic contingency. Announced the following measures:

  • The suspension of non-essential economic and government activities is extended until May 30.
  • The transit of people is restricted to individual transfers and only under the assumptions established in the decree published on the page http://secfin.bcs.gob.mx/fnz/?page_id=11435
  • Zero tolerance for those who violate the decrees and leave their homes without justification.
  • For those who have symptoms of COVID-19 and must go out on the streets for medical reasons, the use of face masks will be mandatory.
  • Those who fail to comply with the established measures will be subject to fines and arrest of up to 36 hours; If they cannot pay the fine, they will carry out community work for up to three days in activities related to the contingency.
  • The security, municipal, state and federal, civil and military authorities will enforce the sanitary provisions whose entry into force will be decreed from April 25.  

He warned that in the case of those who must or want to use the mouth mask, its incorrect use can become a greater risk of infection and contagion, instead of being a protection.

Source: tribunadeloscabos.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post