Mexico agreement with the USA temporarily closes border to non-essential travel


AMLO thanked Trump for not permanently closing the northern border due to coronavirus

Resultado de imagen de Ebrard asegura que no se cerrará la frontera de México con EU por el coronavirus

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard clarified that there will only be restrictions in the case of tourist and recreational activities, but said that the border will continue to be open to trade and employment.

Ebrard Frontera.jpeg

This Thursday, by phone, Ebrard spoke with the United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, with whom he agreed that the border should continue to be open to trade and employment.

The foreign minister assured that in a few hours, the United States government will also announce some measures, but clarified that there will be no damage. “It will not affect commercial activity, production, employment between the two countries,” he reported.

(Photo: REUTERS)

In this sense, he explained that a catalog of essential activities was made that will not be affected by the measures that the government of the United States and Mexico will take, which includes trade, transport of goods, logistical movements, that have to do with commercial activity

Resultado de imagen de cerrará la frontera de México con EU por el coronavirus

Everything that has to do with people who work in the US and who have authorization to move, essential services such as the purchase of medicines, emergency services.


  • Promote that the population refrains from travel in the border area. 
  • Seek to improve health coordination.
  • Protect economic activity between both countries and the border area.
  • Accelerate the pace so that the treaty between Mexico, the United States, and Canada is applied as soon as possible.
  • Prepare for recovery against contingency.
  • Take care that trade between Mexico and the US does not have a greater impact than is already experienced. -The production, employment, and economy will not be affected.


The Mazatlan Post