Despite coronavirus, millions were expected at The Passion of Christ procession in Iztapalapa


The Easter Committee in Iztapalapa announced that in an extreme case the 177 representation would cease to be public; they will meet with the mayor and the head of government.

Despite the contingency that the country is experiencing due to the coronavirus, the 177th edition representing the Passion of Christ in Iztapalapa It may be canceled, and in an extreme case this tradition – at least this year – would cease to be public, as the vice president of the Easter Committee in Iztapalapa (Cossiac), Tito Domínguez, warned.

He also reported that this Tuesday at 10:00 am they will meet with authorities of the Iztapalapa mayor’s office and the head of the government, Claudia Sheinbaum, to hold a dialogue table, and thus reach a determination on this event.

In an interview with MILENIO , the organizer of this event pointed out that this event is part of the uses and customs of the inhabitants of Iztapalapa , since it is a mandate with the Lord of La Cuevita, who in 1833 stopped a cholera epidemic in the demarcation .

” No, it is not canceled. We are in what has been said, we are governed here by the uses and customs. We have 177 years of carrying it uninterruptedly, we have had more difficult moments in Mexico City and the country, and this representation of Semana Santa has prevailed. This representation has gone through the war of the Reformation, the Mexican Revolution, already in modern times, the tremor of 85, the AH1N1 influenza and Easter has continued here , “he pointed out.

On this occasion, this representation will take place from April 5 to 11 and the attendance of about 2 million people is expected.

Domínguez pointed out that precautionary measures such as “healthy distance” and frequent hand washing will be taken, as announced by the federal health authorities.

He added that in any case the event would have to be “local”, that is, only the people from the Cossiac would attend and some more who would like to join, and pointed out that diplomats would not be invited on this occasion.

He stressed that the necessary precautions have been taken with the cast that will participate in this work so that there is no contact between people.

Resultado de imagen de La Pasión de Cristo en Iztapalapa

” Possibly, with the precautionary and health measures that have been announced of the healthy distance, we are going to carry it out, and in an extreme case that they do not allow it to be public, we have the obligation to carry it out in a closed manner ,” he said. .

Economic spill

The mayor’s office of Iztapalapa could stop generating an economic spill of nearly 300 million pesos, generated by the Passion of Christ, if this important event at the local and international level were canceled.

Last year there was a spill of 318 million 900 thousand pesos.

Today, members of the Cossiac began the installation of the three main stages of the 177 Representation of the Passion of Christ, in the Cuitláhuac Garden.

Resultado de imagen de La Pasión de Cristo en Iztapalapa

Iztapalapa suspends Passion of Christ

Mayor Clara Brugada reported that the representation will take place in a closed space and can be viewed online.

The mayor of Iztapalapa, Clara Brugada, said the procession was canceled 177 representing the Passion of Christ, in order to avoid the spread of coronavirus Covid-19 .

“The procession in the Cerro de la Estrella and in the streets of Iztapalapa is suspended,” he said at a press conference.

She explained that the representation will be carried out symbolically and in accordance with tradition in a closed space, without access to the public, with a reduced number of actors and with all sanitary measures to protect the health of all participants.

Shee said that there will be no fair, there will be no pilgrimage and there will be no public event.

Source: milenio

The Mazatlan Post