Fearing the Coronavirus, Yucatecan beach authorities take extreme measures and prevent access to foreign tourists


Following the arrival of the Covid-19 in Yucatan, authorities at all political levels take measures to prevent the spread of the virus and among them, foreign tourists were denied access to the beaches of Río Lagartos.

As part of the security measures to prevent more Covid-19 infections in Yucatan, the municipal mayor of Río Lagarto, Erick Alcocer Estrada asked travel agencies to cancel the visit they had scheduled with visitors.

It is worth mentioning that this preventive measure against Covid-19 was taken in the port of San Felipe during the weekend and checkpoints were also installed at the entrance of the ports to prevent visitors from accessing the beaches.

Covid-19 in Yucatan: they deny access to foreign tourists to beaches

Foreigner visited beaches despite the Covid-19

Some tourism service providers agreed with the measure that was taken for fear that the coronavirus would affect their families, however, the pressure of hoteliers and boatmen caused the authority to give in and finally allowed access for tourists.

Covid-19 in Yucatan: they deny access to foreign tourists to beaches
Boatmen and hoteliers pushed to allow access to tourists.

It was around 11 in the morning that only national tourists were allowed access, but during the course of the day, the mayor allegedly gave the order to allow entry to foreign tourists and only the recommended hygiene measures were applied.

Among the measures implemented to all tourists foreigners arrived, they were provided with antibacterial gel when descended from the vehicles in which they arrived.

Covid-19 in Yucatan: they deny access to foreign tourists to beaches
Tourists finally accessed the beaches.

On the other hand, in the port of Las Coloradas, most of the businesses were closed and only the convenience stores remained open.

Resultado de imagen de Las Coloradas
Las Coloradas

In the tourist area of ​​the ponds, it was possible to observe how the personnel in charge applied antibacterial gel to foreign visitors and were given preventive indications by the Covid-19.

Source: laverdadnoticias.com

The Mazatlan Post