Is Mexico violating USMCA by supporting exploitation of Cuban doctors? (Opinion)


Mexico has not played fair. It had already violated the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade by allowing China to use it as a back door for its exports. The new Mexican government is also weakening the legal framework of the country and undermining its own institutions.

And now, in the field of labor, Mexico is violating the agreement once again by receiving 199 Cuban doctors this month in a modern slavery scheme.

The USMCA is clear about its commitment to the protection of labor rights. Its preamble establishes the decision to “promote the protection and enforcement of labor rights, the improvement of working conditions, the strengthening of cooperation and the Parties’ capacity on labor issues.”

The Cuban medical missions are a direct violation of Article 23 of the USMCA which calls for “the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor.”

Click here to read the complete, original article by Arturo McFields in THE HILL

Campeche Post