Cyclists take on the streets of downtown Merida, Yucatan


As part of the Mérida Pedalea forum, organized by the Yucatán government, dozens of cyclists participated this March 5 in a ride that took place from the Paseo Montejo bikeway to the heart of the city of Mérida.

The contingent was led by Everardo Flores Gómez, founder of the Cicloturixes group, and other members of it. The PAN senator Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz and the Secretary of Sustainable Development of Yucatán, Sayda Melina Rodríguez Gómez, also participated, as well as businessmen and citizens in general.

The cyclists left the Yucatán International Congress Center, joined the Paseo de Montejo bike path towards the auction , from there the participants reached the city center, where they made a stop in the area known as the Pasaje de las Bonitas, on Calle 65 with 54 and 56.

Pedestrians were surprised by the number of cyclists who “invaded” the streets of the city center. Many showed their support, even those who rode their tricycles joined the mobilization.

Cyclists take to the streets as part of the Mérida Pedalea forum

They toured Paseo de Montejo and made a stop at Pasaje de las Bonitas.

Bycicling will bring great social benefits in terms of health, mobility and environmental preservation.

These actions should bring benefits in different areas from health, inhibit vehicular traffic in favor of other forms of mobility, reduction of noise and air pollution.

Source: La Jornada Maya

The Yucatan Post