AMLO summons Campeche to be the first state with face-to-face classes

He commented that it will be after March 23, when the vaccination of older adults ends

In the morning conference this Friday, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, called Campeche to be the first state to start with face-to-face classes, since it has the conditions.

He stressed that 20 thousand teachers have already been vaccinated with the two doses against COVID-19 and that they will complete the vaccination of the entire population over 60 years of age, approximately 100 thousand people.

“It will be a protocol, but we have to take steps towards educational normality. We started in Campeche and thus we are going to incorporate states with green and yellow (epidemiological) traffic lights, and where we have all older adults vaccinated. “

He explained that the vaccination of the elderly will be from March 9 to 23 and classes will begin days later.

He said that he will wait for the campechanos to “think about it” and determine the return, although the distance classes will also continue.

Prior to his visit to Campeche on a tour this weekend to review the progress of the Mayan Train in the Yucatan peninsula, he announced his call.


Campeche Post