“Si por Mexico” request the help of Mexicans for cancer cause


Sí por México promotes the gathering of signatures for children with cancer

Yes for Mexico, the platform promoted by the business elite, launched a citizen petition so that children who suffer from cancer do not lack medicine or treatment.

Through its official Twitter account, the citizen organization that promotes the coalition between the PRI, PAN and PRD requested the help of Mexicans for the health cause.

“It cannot be that occurrences are priorities and the medicines of thousands of girls and boys with cancer, no. We need your signature so that they can have their treatments complete “, was published in the Yes for Mexico account, where one of the main criticisms that have been reiterated against the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is manifested, which indicates that the national president governs based on “occurrences”.

Sí por México promotes signing for children to receive cancer treatment (Photo: Twitter / @SiPorMx)
Sí por México promotes signing for children to receive cancer treatment (Photo: Twitter / @SiPorMx)

In addition to this, in a second tweet, the organization that brought together Beatriz Pagés and Alejadnra Morán in their citizen convention rebuked the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), the party that put AMLO in the presidency.

Does Morena know that children with cancer do not have all their medicines? MORENA doesn’t know. That is why at Sí por México we attend to the urgency. Join and Sign Yes for Las y Los Niños “, he wrote and together with his publication he attached the link that leads to the official page that promotes his citizen initiative to collect signatures.

In light of these publications, it should be noted that the most visible leaders of Sí por México retweeted this content. This means that Claudio X. González, belonging to the Mexican Business Council (CMN), and Gustavo de Hoyos, president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), expressed their approval of this type of measures and, at the same time time, they expressed their repudiation of Morena and AMLO.

It should be noted that these types of announcements are made just over seven months after the midterm elections of the administration of the fourth transformation are held, in which the Chamber of Deputies will be renewed and 15 governorships will be disputed. In this electoral contest, Sí por México stated that it intends to intervene with citizen proposals to ensure that its political agenda is taken into account during the remainder of the six-year term .

Political parties (Illustration: Steve Allen)
Sí por México promotes the “largest in Mexico” coalition (Illustration: Steve Allen)

To gain political weight, the citizens gathered Marko Cortés, president of the National Action Party (PAN); Jesús Zambrano, president of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD); and Alejandro Moreno, President of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) on November 10 at his first citizen convention.

Alejandra Morán also arrived, famous for calling herself “totally fifí” and leader of Vests Mx , an organization that was unknown by Yellow Vests in France and Spain in 2019; Beatriz Pagés, director of Siempre magazine, former PRI deputy and founding member of Futuro XXI , another antilopezobradorista organization; and Miguel Gallardo, one of the 10 vice presidents of Coparmex.

Thus, these members of civil society will promote the same political agenda against Andrés Manuel López Obrador. This means that the parties defeated with more than 30 million votes in 2018 met with important members of the business class in Mexico to regain the political weight that a democratic process took from them.

In such a way that the alternative proposal to Q4 has already begun, to participate in the collection of signatures, the coparmex.org site was put online where the section“Signature yes for drugs and treatments l @ s children s cancer”, where they provide statistical data on the incidence of this disease in this demographic and its lethality.

Source: apuntoenlinea.net

Mexico Daily Post