Again Ricardo Salinas Pliego questions the confinement of Mexico due to coronavirus


Ricardo Salinas owner of Grupo Salinas does not stop his public questions about the measures dictated by the federal government that has to do with confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Grupo Salinas

Through Twitter, the businessman stressed that “the virus will not become extinct on its own” and “will continue to expand its presence.”

“What will your future plan be?” Asked Salinas Piego.

“1.- Stay locked up until there is a cure or vaccine?

2.- Stay locked up until the government tells them they can get out?

3.- Or stay locked up until one fine day they become detached and decide to go out and live life with everything and its risks? ”, He published.

Questioning history

On March 24, the National Sana Distancia Day began in Mexico, whose measures contemplated the voluntary isolation of people and the suspension of activities that were not essential in the country.

The non-essential services of the social and private sectors must immediately adopt modalities of teleworking, remote work or the like, without the activities of their workers involving an in-person act.

said Hugo López Gatell, undersecretary of Health

Salinas has since been singled out for continuing to operate his companies, despite the fact that not all of his businesses are considered essential by the Andrés Manuel López Obrador administration, as in the case of Elektra stores.

Faced with constant public questioning, Salinas justified the continuity of his business on more than one occasion.

“Today we are bad, the streets empty, everything closed, empty schools, empty hotels, empty restaurants, parks without people. This cannot be, life has to continue, “he said at a meeting with group executives on March 25.

On April 20, in the broadcast of the stellar TV Azteca newscast, also owned by Ricardo Salinas, journalist Javier Alatorre made an explicit call to disregard the information provided by the Ministry of Health through López Gatell’s evening conferences.

Eight weeks after the start of the social distancing day, during a morning conference, the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare, Luisa María Alcalde, exposed Grupo Elektra for ignoring government instructions.

In response, Elektra issued a statement in which it showed that it would continue its operations. ” In 100% of Elektra’s branches and offices, all the protection and hygiene measures dictated by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization are complied with,” he said.

Six days later, on May 11, the head of the Executive reported that Ricardo Salinas Pliego agreed to close Elektra stores.

Bolsa de Trabajo Grupo Salinas | La Bolsa de Trabajo

The businessman assured that he would only continue with the essential activities in his companies as a sign of support for the reopening plan proposed by the federal government.


The Mazatlan Post