Score International cancels this year’s “Baja 1000” to La Paz

  • COVID-19 affects the off road world, canceling a World Championship Score race and limiting Baja 1000 to stay in Baja California.

Los Cabos.- The promoter Score International Off-Road Racing announced changes to the official 2020 calendar due to the pandemic generated by COVID-19, forcing them to cancel the Baja 400 race and the Baja 1000 will run on the circuit in Ensenada without arriving at this edition to La Paz, Baja California Sur.

José A. Grijalva, scoring president and / or race director reported: “Based on the economic impact and in support of our runners, the 2nd Baja 400 score will not take place in this year 2020 and the Baja 1000 score will go from one road race, point to point (Ensenada-La Paz) to a circuit type race to be held only in Baja California.

“With this persistent global pandemic and after extensive discussions and further analysis with Mexican federal, state, and municipal authorities along with all of our other significant stakeholders, we have revised our 2020 race schedule, reducing the series to three races,”

The 53 edition of the “Mother” of all the “Baja 1000” races was scheduled from November 17 to 22, with Ensenada as the starting point and La Paz, Baja California Sur as the final goal.

SCORE will continue to monitor the current status of COVID-19, and the recommendations of both the United States and Mexican governments, and make any further adjustments as necessary. The health and safety of our riders, teams, fans and media is of utmost importance to scoring and we believe that these modifications will allow us the opportunity to have another memorable racing season. We urge all of our stakeholders to follow the guidelines established by health officials so that we can go running sooner rather than later, José A. Grijalva concluded.


The Mazatlan Post