Five hotels in La Paz and 11 in Los Cabos BCS are closing


The economic collapse in Baja California Sur will be of catastrophic dimensions if the federal government and the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador does not grant fiscal incentives to the tourism companies that since yesterday, are making the commitment of not closing their doors and not firing their employees.

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Los Cabos

The coronavirus pandemic will put the state main cities in serious trouble.

Yesterday, the spokesman of the businessmen of Los Cabos (Consejo Coordinador), Julio Castillo Gomez, said that they have decided to keep their workers:

Pueblo Bonito group: 3,000 employees
Solmar Group: 2,500 employees
Villas del Palmar group: 2,500 employees

During a radio Cabo Mil interview, Julio Castillo Gomez asked the companies not to close their doors and not to fire the collaborators because it will generate a very serious social problem.

Entrevista con Julio Castillo Gómez Presidente Ejecutivo del Consejo Coordinador de Los Cabos (CCC)

Entrevista con Julio Castillo Gómez Presidente Ejecutivo del Consejo Coordinador de Los Cabos (CCC)

Posted by Al Cabo Noticias on Tuesday, March 24, 2020

But the Hotel Association said that 11 companies will close their doors for the duration of this contingency because they do not have tourists to maintain their operating minimal margins.

The same thing is happening in La Paz, where Agustin Olachea of the Tourism Companies Association said that five large hotels will also close operations so as not to go bankrupt.

Resultado de imagen de la paz malecon hoteles
La PAz

This is one of the most difficult moments that Baja California Sur will face. In Los Cabos, 45,000 workers and his families depend on tourism.

The businessmen have asked the federal government to grant tax incentives, but so far the answer has been negative.

Both the state government and the municipal council in Los Cabos have given tax incentives to pay their local fees for up to three months or when the economic outlook improves.


The Mazatlan Post