AMLO criticizes Alsea for giving workers the option to go home without pay during coronavirus crisis


Without calling her by name, President AMLO asked Alsea to rectify his move to send his workers home without pay for the coronavirus contingency.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador uploaded a video to his social networks on Friday criticizing a “large and famous Mexican company, which has to do with foreign franchises,” referring to Alsea.

The Mexican company established a program for employees who are willing to take a 30-day work absence, without pay, in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

“I am receiving a report from the Secretary of Labor, Luisa María Alcalde, she tells me that there is a complaint on the networks that some companies are firing their workers, that is unfair. I am not going to mention the companies because what I want is for them to rectify, to help us. According to the law, there is no legal basis, because there is no declaration of a health emergency, you cannot fire them and you cannot pay the workers, “the president said in a video he recorded in Oaxaca.

This Thursday the restaurant operator Alsea reported that it will implement a financial plan that provides for the temporary closure of some stores and the voluntary departure of employees in the face of the crisis of the pandemic due to the Covid-19 coronavirus 

“I call on employers to have a social dimension and not to fire workers. This great and famous company has to do with foreign franchises and what they are giving is a bad example. Hopefully, this does not happen in our country, I am going to be reporting and what I was saying when we left Mexico: we should not be alarmed, do not lose our calm, do not overtake the day before, do not wear ourselves out, “added López Obrador.

Resultado de imagen de AMLO critica a Alsea por enviar a trabajadores a casa sin sueldo por coronavirus

Alsea, which operates brands such as Starbucks, Domino’s Pizza and Vips, said it is reducing its overhead with immediate effect, implying the reduction of a significant number of positions in the corporate center.

“We have reduced a significant number of positions in our corporate center. We have also established a program for employees willing to take a 30-day absence without pay. We are adjusting our staff across all our brands, reducing staff and work hours in line with demand. We are negotiating with relevant unions seeking support. All non-essential third party contracts will be stopped. Marketing and advertising will be cut dramatically, to minimize expenses, “the company said in a press release.

The company has received multiple criticisms on social networks for this measure and even on Twitter, there is a hashtag #BoicotAlsea where some users ask not to consume in their restaurant chains.


The Mazatlan Post