Mexican Congress proposes a law that allows smoking marijuana in public spaces


Cannabis can be smoked in public spaces and will be sold only in places designated by the Mexican Institute of Cannabis Regulation and Control.

Marijuana: a great potential industry

The law for the regulation of cannabis proposed by the Morena bench and discussed in Congress will allow users to smoke cannabis in public spaces, with the exception of 100% smoke-free spaces.

According to the initiative of Senator Ricardo Monreal, cannabis can be smoked in 100% smoke-free public spaces and will be sold only in places designated by the Mexican Institute of Cannabis Regulation and Control.

The initiative of law recognizes “expressly the human right to the free development of the personality, which implies the achievement of the project of life that the human being has for himself, as an autonomous entity, in such a way, supposes the recognition of the State on the faculty natural for every person to be individual free as he wishes to be, without coercion, or unjustified controls or impediments by others, in order to meet the goals or objectives that have been set, as long as it does not affect the exercise of the right of third parties “

Resultado de imagen de fumar marihuana en espacios publicos en mexico

The regulations will “be issued no later than 180 days after the publication of the law in the Official Gazette of the Federation, in addition to the fact that the corresponding authorities must, within a period of 30 days, prepare the corresponding programs for the release of persons liable to benefit from the decree ”.

These are five doubts regarding the harvest and recreational use of cannabis.

Cinco puntos de la propuesta para legalizar la marihuana

¿En dónde se venderá la #marihuana en México? Esto es lo que establece la propuesta de ley en el #Senado:

Posted by Imagen Noticias on Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Where can you smoke?

In public spaces, with the exception of 100% smoke-free spaces.

Grow marijuana for personal use?

Anyone who registers their plants with the Mexican Institute of Cannabis Regulation and Control. The proposal raises between six and up to 20 plants on private property. For production of no more than 480 grams per year.

Where can it be bought?

At authorized points of sale such as in California, the United States, in Ontario, Canada or Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The points of sale will open only until the licenses are delivered and the shops are authorized by the Mexican Institute of Regulation and Control of Cannabis.

Resultado de imagen de fumar marihuana en espacios publicos en mexico

How much marijuana can be carried on the street?

If the law is passed like this, the allowed percentage of possession for recreational use will go from 5 to 28 grams. The proposal says, the anthropometric measure, that fits in the basin of both hands of the holder.

What prohibitions will there be?

Sale to minors or involve minors in their cultivation, harvest or sale. Advertising and promotion of cannabis products and the sale of marijuana cigarettes per unit, among others.

Source: imagen noticias, forbes mx

The Mazatlan Post