Mandatory vaccines in Mexico: the new proposal to end dengue, influenza and 12 other diseases


The Anti-vaccine movements are a potential risk that could prevent vaccine coverage from reaching 95%, Mexico’s goal when it comes to childhood. The key, says deputy Abril Alcalá, of the PRD, is to make vaccines at the same time as a right, an obligation.

The initiative was presented on the same day that the measles case of a girl in CDMX was found and resulted in the finding of three others. Although measles is thought to have been effectively eradicated, new isolated cases appear in Mexico from time to time.

Measles would be just one of 14 preventable diseases you can get vaccinated against. The Alcalá initiative states that the following vaccines would be mandatory:

  1. Against diphtheria
  2. Against hepatitis A and B
  3. Against seasonal and type b influenza
  4. Against pneumococcal infections
  5. Against mumps
  6. Against polio
  7. Against rotavirus
  8. Against rubella
  9. Against tetanus
  10. Against whooping cough
  11. Against tuberculosis
  12. Against chickenpox
  13. Against the human papillomavirus
  14. Against dengue

These should be ” supplemented with the vaccines contained in the Universal Vaccination Program ” read in the document. It is noteworthy that measles is not specifically mentioned in the list, but it would be difficult to ignore it since the triple virus used for rubella and mumps also includes measles.

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Mexico would follow the example given by France, which returned to compulsory vaccination as of 2018. In that case, there are a total of 11 vaccines that have been considered essential under the Public Health Law.

In Mexico, the obligatory nature of vaccines would apply to every person residing in Mexico, and the vaccines would have to be provided by any of the federal, local, and National Health System dependencies and entities.

The document assures, based on data from the Institute and the United Nations Children’s Fund, that in Mexico the vaccination coverage in children is 40%.

Now the initiative will be discussed in committees of the Chamber of Deputies to review it and make modifications. The process indicates that after these modifications may be shared again to the Plenary of the Chamber for discussion and possible approval.


The Mazatlan Post