New Shopping Mall Announced for Campeche


The Government of the State of Campeche has announced the creation of a new shopping mall in the capital. This new development will cover an area of 13,672 square meters and will feature 40 commercial premises and four anchor stores.

Governor Layda Sansores revealed that the shopping mall will be located on López Portillo Avenue, between the intersections of Antigua a Chiná Street and Maestros Campechanos Avenue, near the back of the “Dr. Javier Buenfil Osorio” General Specialty Hospital. The project will require a direct investment of 70 million pesos and an additional 200 million pesos for equipment work. This investment is expected to generate 485 jobs, with 225 being indirect and 260 direct.

While the exact start date for the construction of the new shopping mall has not been announced, it is understood that the project will commence this year. Final details and logistics are being fine-tuned to ensure a smooth implementation without causing disruptions

Source: Por Esto