Campeche Positions Itself as a Key Logistics Hub in Mexico


The state of Campeche is undergoing a transformation in its port sector, aiming to become a strategic logistics node at both national and international levels. Driven by nearshoring and the growing demand for port infrastructure, the government of Campeche is implementing a series of ambitious projects to modernize and expand its ports.

Traditionally focused on the oil sector, the port of Campeche now seeks to diversify its activities and attract investments in other sectors such as logistics, commerce, and industry. To achieve this goal, the following actions are being carried out:

Infrastructure Modernization: Significant resources are being invested in the expansion and deepening of navigation channels, as well as in the construction of new terminals and platforms.

Attracting Investments: Trade missions are being conducted to countries like China to attract foreign investments and foster collaboration with international companies.

Development of New Projects: Key infrastructure projects, such as the Tren Maya, are being promoted to strengthen the region’s connectivity and generate new business opportunities.

Key Projects in the Ports of Campeche

Puerto de Isla del Carmen: The navigation channel will be deepened, and facilities will be expanded to accommodate larger vessels.

Puerto de Seybaplaya: It will become a port specialized in handling general cargo and containers, leveraging the demand generated by the Tren Maya and the Interoceanic Corridor.

Terminal de San Francisco: It will be modernized and expanded to offer more efficient services to tourist cruises and the local community.

Fishing Development: Projects will be promoted to improve fishing infrastructure and support local fishermen.

Benefits for Campeche and Mexico

The transformation of Campeche’s port sector will bring numerous benefits to the state and the country in general, such as:

– Job Creation: The creation of new infrastructures and the attraction of investments will generate thousands of direct and indirect jobs.

– Economic Development: The economic development of the region will be boosted, strengthening sectors such as logistics, commerce, and tourism.

– Greater Connectivity: The ports of Campeche will become strategic points for maritime connection with the rest of the world.

– Supply Chain Strengthening: The efficiency of the supply chain will be improved, reducing costs and delivery times.

The state of Campeche is experiencing a moment of transformation, with a strong focus on the development of its ports. The ongoing projects will allow Campeche to become a key logistics hub in Mexico, generating new business opportunities and improving the quality of life for its inhabitants.

Source: America Retail and Malls