Two minors, a man and a woman, disappear in different sectors of Mérida 


The State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) activated two Yucatan Amber Alerts for the disappearance of two minors, a man and a woman, in different sectors of Mérida. 

In the alerts, the FGE requests the collaboration of the public to search for and locate Daniela Berenice May Aguilar and Ricardo de Jesús Tolosa Linares, both 14 years old. 

Daniela was last seen on August 30 in downtown Mérida, while Ricardo disappeared the same day in the Emiliano Zapata neighborhood, with no information on their whereabouts to date. 

In both cases it is pointed out that there is fear for the integrity of the adolescents since they may be the victim of the commission of a crime. 

Amber Alert by Daniela Berenice 

According to the AAYUC103/2023 report, Daniela Berenice is a Mexican national, has straight hair to the shoulder, dark hair, brown eyes, is 1.40 meters tall and weighs 40 kilos approximately.  

The last time she was seen, she was wearing a white T-shirt, white jean pants, a white cap with the legend “Puma” and pink tennis shoes. 

As particular signs of her, it is mentioned that she has a scar on her left eyebrow, acne on her face and a mole on her left clavicle. 

Amber Alert for Ricardo de Jesús 

According to the AAYUC104/2023 report, Ricardo de Jesús is of Mexican nationality, has straight hair, short black hair, brown eyes, is 1.70 meters tall and weighs 57 kilos approximately.  

When he disappeared, he was wearing torn black jogger pants, a black shirt, a black sweater, green flip-flops, a green cap, and a black backpack with the legend “Sport.” 

The particular signs of him are that he has piercings in the lobe of both ears and bushy eyebrows. 

Amber Alert Yucatán: Telephone numbers to communicate 

If anyone has information that could lead to their whereabouts, they can contact the telephone numbers: 800-00-26-237, 9999-30-32-88 (direct) or 9999-30-32-50 (extension 41164).