Group of engineers seeks solutions for the Merida underpass

Canceling or filling it is not the best option: specialist

Part of the studies carried out to solve the problems presented by the Prolongación de Paseo Montejo road distributor are in charge of the College of Civil Engineers of Yucatán and are part of the work carried out by the City Council with local specialists.

The president of the Board of Directors of that group, Miguel Ángel García Domínguez, said that the work is complex because it is necessary to take into account various analyzes and studies to determine the best solution that guarantees the safety of Meridians in the first instance.

The specialist indicated that from the perspective of the group that represents, canceling or filling in the “depressed passage” is not the best option, hence the group together with the Public Works Department of the City Council, the Citra company, and road specialists, have held various work meetings to learn in detail each of the aspects related to these points, which will allow obtaining a specific opinion.

He pointed out that, as specialists in the subject of infrastructure, they need to know in detail everything that encompasses this project both in the structural plane, as well as in the geohydrological, capacity and vehicular traffic, because each one requires a detailed analysis that allows obtaining a specific study on the destination of the overpass.

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“This is where we have to define whether a sustainable solution with achievable objectives is taken into account, and different mathematical models are made where formulas and analyzes are applied that now with modernity through computer programs we can record in different parameters and that helps us as specialist engineers to make decisions, “he said.

He mentioned that, unlike other geohydrological studies that the school has carried out, this is the first time they have faced a situation in which the main problem to consider is the level of the water table.

In addition to this, he said that the structural problems of the construction that already present fractures and an increase in the road load must also be taken into account.

“The detail is that such a volume of rain and water has never been recorded. Although it is true that with each rain or each season there are variations in the level of the water table, they had never been with the intensity of last year and in such a short period ”, he remarked.

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He pointed out that in the case of the overpass, from the beginning it was raised underground, for reasons of architecture and cultural heritage or historical and image issues.

It was decided to do it down without taking into account the possible elevation of the water table in the future, he added.

“In that sense, to make a viable proposal, the water table must be taken into account together with the level of factors that are going to be affected to a certain structure, such studies are necessary since only based on scientific bases can decisions be made”.


The Yucatan Post