The return of the no-tell motels in Merida: New normal indeed


The return of Merida’s lovers-only motels is a sign of Yucatan’s progress toward “new normal.”

The adults-only romance centers, which rent out softly lit fantasy hot-tub suites by the hour, aren’t exactly geared toward families on vacation. But they have the same rules as brand-name hotels. They can only book at 10% of capacity and guests must wear masks when entering the facilities.

Only two occupants per room are allowed, and no alcohol will be sold on the premises.

Love in the afternoon is encouraged. The motels can only operate on weekdays, closing at 6 p.m., under coronavirus contingency regulations.

Most motels of this type, such as the Vita Love Hotel, are mainly on the Periférico, but the same measures apply to other more humble lodging centers in the Centro, which have bare-bones quarters for three-hour blocks at 100 pesos.


The Mazatlan Post