What is the USD-Peso exchange rate today March 13, 2020?


Mexico continues in uncertainty but is active in counteracting the fall in the peso and the uphill trend in the price of the dollar.

Banco de México, based on articles 8o. of the Monetary Law of the United Mexican States; 35 of the Bank of Mexico Law, as well as 8o. and 10 of the Internal Regulations of Banco de México, and according to the provisions of Chapter V of Title Three of its Circular 3/2012, reports that the exchange rate obtained today was $ 22.1518 MN (twenty-two pesos with one thousand five hundred eighteen ten-thousandth national currency) for one US dollar.

Other services indicate that the US currency is purchased at 21,2097 pesos and on sale at 22.0318 pesos; represents an increase of .0885, which represents a percentage of 0.41 percent.

The average exchange rate that is handled in various banks and dependencies is 21.6207 pesos.

Thus the price of the green currency in banks and government agencies and services.

Source: banxico

The Mazatlan Post